Successful Technology Voucher Application: 3 Keys to Successful Approval


在TVP科技券計劃 下,符合資格的企業或機構都可藉申請科技券資助,取得總額達40萬港元的資助款項。現計劃涵蓋ERP、CRM等熱門系統及可達科技目標的應用方案,只要聘請科技券供應商提供相關方案或系統,便可由政府為你的項目承擔達總成本2/3的開支(即企業最少須承擔總成本的1/3)。科技券申請審批準則知多啲,有利申請成功,3大成功審批關鍵,附以例子逐一解釋,5分鐘讀懂重點,不可不看。

科技券計劃對申請的審批準則為:(i)科技項目與業務的相關性;(ii)細節及預算的合理性及(iii) 科技券供應商的過往紀錄。

1) 科技項目相關性


2) 細節及預算合理性






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Technology Voucher Book: 6 FAQs for Decoding Technology Voucher Applications

Professional Education: Six Major Technology Voucher ApplicationsFAQ

The economy meets cold peaks in the second half of the year,Technology VoucherApplications and enquiries have soared. The government encourages the business sector to make good use of funding to maintain competitiveness. Small and medium-sized business owners have taken active steps to invest in technology projects that can cut costs and improve efficiency. successApply for Technology Voucher,The government can bear up to 2/3 of the cost of your technology project, allowing you to hire technology voucher suppliers to provide solutions or systems that meet your needs. Don’t let your business lag behind. Here are 6 FAQs about the technology voucher program. For more information about technology voucher, you can contact technology voucher consultant.

1) Technology Voucher Funding Objects:

Companies, institutions, charities and non-governmental organizations (except listed companies, government-funded institutions or their affiliates) registered or registered under the “Business Registration Ordinance” or “Companies Ordinance” and have actual operations at the time of application can apply Technology voucher subsidy.

2) Technology Voucher Funding Amount:

Each eligible applicant can be approved up to 4 projects, and the total funding limit is HK$400,000. For each approved project, the technology voucher will provide funding in a 2:1 matching mode and reportpinthe way(reimbursement)Reimburse the applicants.

3) Scope of technology voucher funding:

  1. Technology consulting services: companies can make good use of funding to hire technology voucher consultants, who will provide independent consulting services for projects.
  2. Technological services or programs: equipment, software, and technological services or programs that are an essential part of the project.
  3. Project Audit Service: Projects whose approved funding amount exceeds HK$50,000 can apply for this funding, subject to the ceiling of the audit fee of HK$3,000.

Note: General operating costs will not be funded by technology vouchers.

4) Evaluation of Technology Voucher Funding:

Please make sure you have all the required documents when submitting the form. The Innovation and Technology Commission will make a preliminary assessment based on the documentsapplication form. Thereafter, the approval committee will consider the technology voucher application according to the following criteria: (i) the relevance of the technology project and the business; (ii) the reasonableness of the details and budget and (iii) the past record of the technology voucher supplier.

5) Restrictions on technology voucher funding:

To ensure that they can focus on the implementation of the project, applicants cannot apply for technology voucher funding for more than one technology voucher project at the same time. Expenses under approved technology voucher projects cannot be funded by other local public funding sources. Each project should generally be completed within 12 months.

6) Technology Voucher Funding Services and Solutions:

The following is a list of technological services/solutions commonly used by the business community for productivity/process. In addition, applicants can also hire technology voucher suppliers to provide other technology services and solutions that can meet the target of technology voucher according to the needs of the enterprise.

category Examples of typical services/programs
i) Customer and sales management: Appointment arrangement and waiting management, point of sale management (POS system)
ii) Logistics management: Electronic inventory management, logistics management, fleet management (Fleet management system)
iii) Production and procurement management: Electronic procurement management, assisting companies to meet production standards, real-time production tracking
iv) Marketing, business management and other solutions/systems: Network security, big data and cloud analysis, file management and mobile access, enterprise resource planning (including customer relationship management) (ERP solutions, including CRM system), augmented reality technology (AR system), rapid response management, location services , Product management system, smart robot application
iv) Specific industry classification: School management system, clinic management, building information model, computer-aided design (CAD)

Timely rain technology voucher 100% successful application is knowledgeable

TVP-hk.comCommitted to providing one-stopTechnology Voucher Consultancy Service,We have a good record of assisting 100% of different industries to successfully apply for technology voucher. We can also match you with a suitable technology solution company and become your technology voucher supplier. The one-stop technology voucher service not only carefully follows up the technology voucher application, but also includes project needs, budget, implementation plan, acceptance report and audit report, etc., so that enterprises can successfully obtain the funding amount of the technology voucher.

To know more about technology voucher, if you have any questions about applying for TVP technology voucher, or want to get to know the technology voucher supplier through our network, please contact technology voucher consultant immediately (+852 9867 6897)

Popular searches:Successful application of technology voucher: review key documents one by one

Give it a helping hand: Invite technology bond suppliers to quote

Technology voucher quotation procedures must follow

When an enterprise applies for technology voucher funding for a technology project, it must

Technological securities suppliers are selected through standard procurement procedures. However, many companies have reported that they have encountered great difficulties in the quotation process, including low quotation response rates, frequent receipt of “high price” quotations, and difficulty in assessing the quality of suppliers. This article provides 4 major technologies. Tips for quoting coupon projects, know more about technology coupons. In addition to meeting the technology coupon quotation process, you can also select the most suitable service provider for the project to achieve the goals of upgrading the technology system, reducing costs and improving productivity. 

1) Avoid empty talk about the goal, the project requirements should be listed

The role of the technology voucher provider is to provide system support or solution provider. There are thousands of system and solution options, each with its own advantages, but when it comes to the application level, which option best meets the specific needs of the enterprise? If you just talk about the project goals, the technology bond suppliers will not be able to start at all, which may eventually lead to an invitation for quotation “read

Do not return” or quote sky-high prices. Therefore, the quotation invitation should focus on the key features and corresponding technical requirements, and describe them in IT professional terms, so that the technology coupon suppliers can provide accurate options and prices.


2) Avoid spamming invitations and attach importance to supplier quality

The result of spammy quotation invitations is often low response rate and low-quality quotations. After many exchanges, it is finally found that the technology bond supplier in front of them is not the right person, which wastes manpower and material resources. In Guangzhuo’s technology field, different technology suppliers have their own expertise. Those who can do web pages may not be able to do system development or management. A project may require multiple suppliers to connect, so

Before quoting, you should first have a basic understanding of the service supply status in the relevant category, and then select a suitable supplier to issue a quotation.

3) Face-to-face talks to reduce administrative costs

In the face-to-face meeting, you can ask the other party to share work cases related to the plan, which can not only assess the supplier’s ability, but also collect

Thinking broadly, you can also improve your project quotation requirements. Another very important reason is that if both parties can meet and negotiate face-to-face, each other can better grasp each other’s expectations or promises, and avoid time spent on clarification. In fact, it can reduce administrative costs more than telephone negotiations.

4) Review the quotation carefully, be careful of the devil in the details

When purchasing or adding value-added technology systems, it should be noted that the larger the system or the more customization requirements, the more chances of maintenance costs (maintenance) will rise. Technology voucher funding does not include routine maintenance costs, so when reviewing the quotation, It is necessary to carefully look at the fees of each project, and make a sufficient financial estimate for the one-time funding that the enterprise can obtain and the long-term maintenance expenses that the enterprise needs to bear.

Advanced articles:
Beware of the pitfalls of technology bond suppliers

Hiring external technology voucher consultants has become a trend for project execution

To discover potential technology voucher providers, can help you. We are committed to providing one-stop technology voucher consulting services to transform the company’s technology needs into quality technology project plans. From project quotation invitations, cost budgets to project acceptance, we will follow up the whole process carefully and provide professional advice, which is difficult for laymen. Provide forecasts and plans for potential risks discovered. We also have extensive network resources in different technology application areas, which can help you find the most suitable service provider for your technology project.

To know more about technology voucher, if you have any questions about applying for TVP technology voucher, or want to get to know the technology voucher supplier through our network, please contact technology voucher consultant immediately

+852 9867 6897


Beware of the pitfalls of quotation from technology bond suppliers

TVP technology voucher funding has strict requirements on the procurement process of technology projects, which is also one of the necessary conditions for successful application of technology voucher. Many SME customers report that the technology voucher quotation process is their biggest pain point. This article will introduce the documents related to the quotation of technology voucher suppliers and the matters that must be paid special attention to, because if negligence and omission, it will not only affect your technology voucher application, but also more likely Extension of legal risks. The following information is for reference only and does not constitute any legal advice. If necessary, TVP-hk.comTechnology Voucher AdvisorCan recommend familiar lawyers.

1) Written offer

The Technology Voucher Program requires applicants to meet the corresponding minimum number of quotations based on the project cost, and all quotations must be written quotations. If the number of quotations does not meet the minimum requirements, it will affect the approval process or even cause the application to be returned. If the technology required by the project makes it difficult for the applicant to obtain sufficient supplier quotations in the market, please carefully consider other feasible alternatives or make efforts within the plan. Chen reason.

Further reading:The quotation request is true

2) With good faith clause and anti-bidding commitment

In addition to submitting the quotation form of the technology bond supplier, the applicant must also require the technology bond supplier to sign the “Probity Clause” (Probity) and the “Non-collusion Clause” (also known as the non-collusion clause, non-collusion clause) for each written quotation. ). In addition, relevant parties (ie owners, shareholders, management or their relatives or persons involved in the quotation process, etc.) of the technology voucher applicant enterprise are not allowed to participate in the bidding, that is, the technology voucher quotation provider must have nothing to do with the applicant enterprise. According to the Competition Ordinance, each supplier of technology securities should make an independent quotation to ensure that the price is set through fair competition. Violation of the above regulations may result in civil and criminal liabilities

3) Review supplier records

The plan clearly states that one of the four major criteria for approving technology voucher applications is the past record of the technology voucher provider. If the technology voucher service provider has a bad record, it will affect the approval result. Therefore, when applying for a technology voucher project quotation, applicants It is necessary to carefully review the past performance of service providers and screen out bad suppliers.

related articles:See clearly the three major technology coupon approval criteria

Although companies can obtain government funding up to 2/3 of the project cost through technology voucher applications (the total amount of technology voucher funding for each company is HK$400,000), if the wrong technology voucher supplier is selected, the company will have to face a bad plan/ Bad system. A professional technology bond consulting company can reduce the risk and cost of matching technology bond suppliers for you. 

TVP-hk.comThe team of senior technology voucher consultants has a good record of assisting 100% of different industries to successfully apply for technology voucher. From professional technology plan consultation, practical work of technology voucher quotation to supplier review, the whole process is followed up by dedicated personnel. Customers can even link to high-quality suppliers through our technology voucher supplier database to reduce related administrative costs and time.

To know more about technology voucher, if you have any questions about applying for TVP technology voucher, or want to get to know the technology voucher supplier through our network, please contact technology voucher consultant immediately (+852 9867 6897)。

Apply for the Technology Voucher Plan Lazy Pack

In recent years, the Innovation and Technology Fund has set up a technology voucher subsidy program to help small and medium-sized enterprises upgrade and transform. However, the application procedures for most government funds are repeated and the application time is long, which discourages many companies. We provide this technology voucher lazy bag, so that you can clear all the difficulties in applying for technology voucher.

Can I apply for technology voucher(TVP)?

The eligibility for application is very simple, as long as the following two are enough:
1: Registered in Hong Kong under the “Business Registration Ordinance”
2: The company must have substantial business operations in Hong Kong, that is, it can provide business receipts。(Excluding listed companies)

Apply for Technology Voucher(TVP)Do you have to hire a consulting company?

Not necessarily, but a technology consulting company can help you:

  1. Understand the problems of existing technology solutions and provide you with suggestions for new technology solutions;
  2. Understand the budget of the new plan, so you have no worries;
  3. Very familiar with the application procedures and procedures of technology voucher, helping you to apply for the funding amount of technology voucher as quickly as possible;

What is the job of a technology voucher consultant company?

Technology Voucher Consultants generally include the following tasks:

  1. Understand the current difficulties faced by the company, so as to evaluate the feasibility of various plans and suggest appropriate solutions。
  2. Evaluate whether it is possible to apply for funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund based on the customer’s productivity plan, and assist eligible companies to prepare various funding documents, plans, etc.。
  3. Coordinating the entire project development, including understanding the development progress of suppliers, collating funding application documents, financial auditing, etc.。
  4. Assist in preparing the acceptance report and help the company to obtain the funding amount as soon as possible。

Will the Technology Voucher Project support existing projects include brand promotion projects??

Technology Voucher (TVP) does not include all marketing techniques, marketing and brand promotion items. Most of the projects supported by technology vouchers are related to productivity-enhancing services, which are used to subsidize companies to purchase technology software solutions, such as: websites, apps, appointment arrangements and queue management systems, big data and cloud analysis solutions, and logistics systems , Retail Management System, Document Management and Mobile Access System, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), etc. These systems can be used by enterprises continuously and for a long time, and can reduce human resources。

Can existing equipment or newly purchased projects apply for funding??

The purchase, repair and maintenance, warranty and insurance of existing equipment are not included in the funding scope of the technology voucher. In addition, the funding of technology voucher will not cover expenditures incurred before the project is approved or outside the project period.。

The company has participated in other government funding programs, can it still participate in the technology voucher program??

For the same project, the company cannot apply for other public funding programs at the same time, unless it is proved that the company has withdrawn from other public funding programs, but the company can apply for other programs for different projects. If the application for other programs fails, the technology voucher is still accepted。

Can I choose a product or service with a higher price when I apply for a technology voucher??

Unless approved by the Innovation and Technology Commission, based on the principle of openness, fairness and competitiveness, all procurement contracts for goods or services should be awarded to the supplier with the lowest quotation。

If only one supplier or manufacturer can provide tailor-made services or machines

What can I do if there are more than two quotations?

If there is only one supplier or manufacturer, you need to specify the reason why you cannot provide more than two quotations, such as why he is the only supplier in the market。